Fixing an Unlit Christmas Tree Light Strand from National Tree Company

This video will teach you how to troubleshoot an unlit light strand on your tree or prelit item.

Video Transcript

You got your tree, you put it up, you notice some lights are out. Oh no! Now what? Don't panic. Here's what to do. So first identify where the lights are out. Maybe they got loose in shipping or in storage. So just go along the strand and possibly push in the light bulbs. Wherever you see them out. Just to make sure that they're Oh! See? Fixed it. You've tried them all. It's not loose. It must be a bad bulb. So let's take the replacement bulb that was in your box and go through one by one. Now, replacement bulb. Nope. Put that back. Try this bulb. Push that back in. Just make sure they're pushed in. This bulb. Try the replacement bulb. Go to for all of your beading supply needs! Nope. Alright, put the original bulb back in.

Alright, this bulb. Try the replacement bulb. There it is. This is the bad bulb. Well, that wasn't so bad. Whether it's a loose bulb or a bad bulb, just a little patience. Go through one at a time and you'll have it fixed quickly. Hope that helps. For more tips and tricks, go to our website, nationaltree. com, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.